What an awesome month! I’ve met so many great people and something absolutely amazing happened – this blog is now “award-winning”!!! This is so crazy! I’ll tell you all about this month in today’s recap…
• Outfits •
• Your Top 5 (most-clicked) Posts •
• Curvy Supermodel – mein Fazit • | • Private XI | Interaction •
• Couture • | • Black and Blue •
• Anna Scholz for sheego x Lu zieht an | Velvet & Lace (feat. SchönWild) •
• My October •
My October started with fashion (and ended with fashion) – I met two lovely girls for the shopping day at C&A of my giveaway. It was really cool, we found so many great looks and the girls were super happy with their new outfits. The collab with C&A was very interesting and regardless of it, I really fell in love with their clothes so I’m a new and returning customer now. I’ve already shown you my → first look and a second one is coming soon. I’d love to keep working with C&A in the future – this would also be some added value for you.
There’s a new show on TV with curvy models called “Curvy Supermodel”. This week’s episode is the finale and yeah, maybe I’ll watch it tomorrow. Just because I started watching and now I want to see who’s going to win. But I’m still not very happy with the whole thing. You can read my summary of the first episode → here (in German only, sorry!). In the meantime, I’ve met one of the girls and she’s lovely – have a look at → her Instagram profile if you want! :)
I also watched episode two with bento.de and you can read the article → here.
Then, I went → bra shopping with a friend at “Curvy Shapes” here in Hamburg. If you have problems finding a good bra for your big breasts (from cup size D) that fits and you’re in Hamburg, you should definitely stop by the shop. I had many problems before but found three great bras (especially because I needed them for the PSFD fashion show). I guess that’s where I’ll keep buying any new bra now. ;)
Last week was super stressful due to the preparations for the Plus Size Fashion Days last weekend. Catwalk training, fitting, rehearsals,… There was lots to do! But I don’t want to tell you everything about it yet because I want to write a separate post about the whole event. This time, I had a lot more walks and there was a huge surprise: I won the “Best Fashion Blogger 2016 Award”! I’m still speechless and can’t say how happy this appreciation of my work makes me. I’ll write a few more words about this in my PSFD post. Just waiting for the official photos and the video to make the article as interesting as possible. ;)
What’s next?
At the moment, it seems like November will be a calm month. And yes, I’m kind of thankful for that because the last days were intense. Also, now that the weather is getting worse and worse every day, my blog routine will have to change a bit. Earlier photo shoots, warmer outfits, thick coats and cozy boots. Well, I actually like winter, but it’s the most horrible season for me as a blogger. No light outside means: bad photos. Let’s see (and hope!) if I can keep up my standards this month…
Hi Lu,
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum BF Award! ?
Und danke für den Tip mit curvy shapes, da werde ich wohl mal shoppen geh’n !
Ja, curvy supermodels hab ich doch dann auch mal gesehn ,mUSS ich zugeben. …, ich fand auch einiges ganz nett und interessant .
Wobei bei GNTM ein Riesen aufriss gemacht wird, ….Bei diesem Format nicht, weiss gar nicht ob ich dies gut oder schlecht finden soll ?wobei rtl2 auch wirklich nicht der beste Sender is. Ich finde aber auch, das die richtige gewonnen hat.
So, nun freu ich mich bald auf winterposts von dir, und wünsche dir noch eine schöne Woche!
Liebe grüße Rubin
P.s. Ich habe dir übrigens, wie besprochen, eineEmail gesendet (21.10.)
Ist nicht schlimm dass ich noch nichts gehört habe, will aber nur sichergehen, ob du sie überhaupt erhalten hast ??!
Ich danke dir! ♥
Ich hab’ nochmal nachgesehen und deine Mail entdeckt – sorry, dass noch nichts zurückkam! Die letzten Wochen waren besonders stressig, aber ich antworte dir so bald wie möglich! ;)
Alles Liebe!
Schöne und interessante Erlebnisse. Und herzlichen Glückwunsch zur Blog-Auszeichnung.
Ich persönlich würde mich jetzt im Winter ja auch über den einen oder anderen Beauty-Beitrag von dir freuen…
Weiter so, liebe Lu!
Grüß e von Steffi
Danke, liebe Stefanie! :) ♥
Ich werde versuchen, Beauty für den Winter einzuplanen. Gibt es etwas, das dich besonders interessiert? Make-ups, Reviews, Favoriten,…?
Oh, ja! Für mich sind Reviews, v.a. von Hautpflege, Teintprodukten (Foundation, Bronzer, Highlighter, Blush etc.) und Favoriten besonders spannend und wertvoll. Da würde ich mich sehr freuen. Und auch Food und Kochrezepte find ich inspirierend, gerade in der dunklen Jahreszeit…
Freu mich schon…
Alles klar, danke dir! :) Ich hoffe, ich schaffe da ein paar Sachen! ;)