The first month of 2017 is already over and I have to admit that I’ve been horribly lazy – guess I needed some kind of a little break, but I promise that I’ll be more active again. :) We’re getting back into our regular blogging routine, which especially means: shooting every weekend so I can post outfits for you! :)
• Outfits •
• Your Top 5 (most-clicked) Posts •
• Dove #MeineSchönheit | Get ready with me… •
• Kenzo x H&M • | • Happy Blogiversary •
• JahresrückBLOG 2016 •
• Summer in Winter •
• My January •
As I already mentioned, I’ve been pretty lazy this month. Much needed break or let’s call it some less stressful time. I’ve been chillin’ a lot but also re-decorating our living room (I know, you all want me to post a room tour, but I have to be honest: our apartment is very small, only 46m², and it’s not very pinteresque – but I promise that if we ever move to a bigger apartment, I’ll do one!) and being all cozy.
In the beginning of January, I already had an important event: → my blog’s 8th birthday (so incredible – I always call myself a blogger granny, but 8 years are REALLY tough!). But I also visited an actual event – the opening of → the first “Curvy Bridal Concept Store” in Germany – “Vollkommen.Braut.”.
I was at the “Panorama” fair in Berlin with sheego and was part of their “Curvy Talk”. You can already find an article about the day at the fair with sheego → in their magazine, but there’ll be more coming soon.
My coolest collaboration so far happened this month – with Dove! And I’m so proud to be a part of it because body positivity is a topic that’s my daily life and I have much to share! My blog post is a very personal one, so if you haven’t read it already, you should definitely → take some time and read it – it’s worth it! :)
What’s next?
February is my birthday month (23rd everyone! ;)) which means I’ll celebrate with my friends and family – yay! :) But there are a few more things: next week, I’m finally visiting my dear hair stylist and we’ll see what happens with my currently very weird hairstyle, which keeps growing but isn’t that beautiful. Maybe I’ll be doing my first blog trip of the year (let’s hope everything works out!) and as usual, I’ve got some plans for nice special shoots, including something for my Private series.
Endlich mal eine Bloggerin mit nicht Instagram-geeigneter Wohnung, sehr erfrischend :-D Ich frage mich ja immer, ob das bei den Bloggerinnen, die Einrichtungsbilder zeigen, wirklich auf Dauer aussieht wie aus dem Einrichtungsmagazin. Kann sehr schön sein, würde bei mir aber höchstens drei Tage so ordentlich bleiben, ich bin einfach nicht der Typ für Instagrammable Deko und Einrichtung. Vielleicht im nächsten Leben, so lange bleibt es einfach gemütlich.
Ach, manchmal bin ich ganz neidisch auf die schön eingerichteten Wohnungen – aber dafür fehlt hier auch wirklich der Platz bei uns. Da muss es einfach praktisch und eben auch gemütlich sein. :) Aber das macht nichts. Vielleicht ist ja irgendwann mal mehr Platz und dann versuche ich, mich da auch mal interiormäßig auszuleben. :)