Photos: Falko BlümleinCardigan: C&A
When I put this outfit together, it instantly reminded me of Carrie Heffernan (raise your hands, “King of Queens” fans!). I can’t say in which episode, but I somehow had the feeling I’d seen something quite similar on the show. So this is kind of a 90s look (and yes, I’m not that happy to say that because I’m a 90s kid and I know about all those horrible trends like Buffalo sneakers and tattoo chokers – and even though these trends keep coming back against my will, I must say that some of them are pretty cool) but I really love it! :)
Another thing about this outfit – and I can’t point it out often enough because we finally need to understand that it isn’t bad: #visiblebellyoutline – I have to say that it looks even more visible in the pictures than in real life, but hey, so what? You can see my belly! If you feel shocked or even disgusted, please know and finally understand that a belly isn’t something gross. Bellies are part of our bodies and seeing them shouldn’t make us feel bad and especially not make others puke. We need to stop focusing on that “I need to hide my ‘problem areas’” feeling! Our bodies aren’t problems! And fashion is not supposed to be a “hiding assistant”. ;) #nuffsaid