• Private XI | Interaction •

• Private XI | Interaction •

Not much time and I will have been blogging for 8 years (10 to be precise, but this blog has existed for “only” almost 8 of them). Back then in 2009, blogging was different. After I started blogging about my daily life on a personal blog (and believe me, this wasn’t as interesting as it might sound because it was only about school and music and pretty sad all the time), I found out that there’s more – fashion blogs, beauty blogs, well, blogs about a special topic. One day, I was sick in bed (uh, tell me something new!) and decided that I wanted to do a fashion blog – but not a typical fashion blog. One that’s only about my outfits. And that’s how “Lu zieht an.” started.

At first, it was kind of weird. My few friends (half of them were men) were never that interested in fashion. They were pretty basic when it came to outfits, while I was rather “different”, extrovert and extravagant (hasn’t changed, right?). Of course, they left comments because they were my friends but – let’s be honest! – they surely weren’t really interested. I began to follow other fashion blogs – and beauty blogs. Commenting was the most important thing, interaction with other bloggers, with your readers – discussions and simply nice words. When you left a comment on someone else’s blog, people would come and check out who you are. And leave a comment. That’s how you grew your community, your followership – your reach. And it was worth a million because active followers are what keeps a blog alive, what makes a blog a blog and therefore something different than a magazine. Something personal yet public – a place to be for everyone.

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• My 9 Favorite Plus Size Instagrammers •

• My 9 Favorite Plus Size Instagrammers •

I spend a lot of time on → Instagram. It’s my favorite social media channel and probably the greatest place for inspiration and inspiring people. Today, I want to introduce you to my 9 favorite plus size Instagrammers:

Georgina Cox • Blogger & Model@fullerfigurefullerbust

George is definitely one of my #girlcrush babes. She’s also the best source for tips for women with a fuller bust, since she reviews a lot of plus size underwear and, as you can see, knows what she’s talking about. I really hope to meet her one day!

Silvana Denker • Photographer & Model@silvanadenker

Silvana is a gorgeous German plus-size model and photographer and last year she started the #bodylove project, which is already known all around the globe. Next week (February 20), she’ll shoot in London, so maybe you want to join her or at least see it live?

Asta Nowarra • Blogger & Model@rolypolywardrobe

Asta is one of my favorite #bodypositive people out there. And she takes the greatest pictures of herself! She’s also an amazingly lovely human being, so please go and check out her Insta and get to know her! :)

Gabi Gregg • Blogger & Designer@gabifresh

Gabi is probably every plus blogger’s idol – she just launched another swimwear collection in cooperation with Swimsuits4all and her success is enormous! She also has one of the coolest styles out there, so taking a look is definitely worth it!

Ashley Graham • Model & Designer@theashleygraham

My absolute #girlcrush – for me, she’s the most beautiful woman in the world and I really love what she does. Her work is amazing and now she’s even the first real plus size cover model on Sports Illustrated. But that’s not all: she also has her own lingerie collection at Addition Elle, which is sold worldwide.

Gisella Francisca • Blogger@gisellafrancisca

My favorite Brazilian plus blogger is Gisella, her style is awesome and she deserves a lot more followers! :)

Denise Mercedes • Model@denisemmercedes

Denise is one of the hottest fat chicks out there – and we have the same swimsuit, haha! :) I like that she’s almost always wearing figure-hugging clothes and shows us all that being fat AND sexy is absolutely possible!

Mona Harlem • Blogger@monaharlem

One of only a handful of German bloggers who really dare to live fashion. Mona’s got an amazing style and definitely deserves to be known!

Denise Bidot • Model@denisebidot

Last year, Denise was the face of the Swimsuits4all campaign called #BeachBodyNotSorry (and the reason why I did → my own project around this hashtag). She’s one of the best-known plus models and absolutely gorgeous.

* all photos are taken from their Instagram accounts

• Private V | 10 Things I learned through blogging •

• Private V | 10 Things I learned through blogging •

There are many things you learn when you start blogging. Every day is different. When I started blogging almost 7 years ago (crazy, huh?), I did it “just because”, without any motive or goal. I just wanted to share my outfits, that’s it. Today, blogging has become my job, and it wouldn’t be like this if I hadn’t learned a lot. From taking pictures to working on the layout and writing to business talks and trying to make a living with what you love. It’s not always positive, you’ll definitely have a few or even a lot of setbacks. Especially when you do everything alone, it’s hard not to take everything personally, but that’s one of the things I learned, so: here’s my list of the things I learned through blogging.

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Outfit ♥ Yellow Coat & Polka Dots


Photos: Falko Blümlein
Coat: Zara TRF
Boots: Young Spirit
Hat: H&M Divided
Bag: Dior “Lady Dior” medium
Earrings: Dior “Mise en Dior” Tribal Pearl Earrings
Alternatives: River Island coat, Buffalo boots, ASOS hat, Marc B bag, ASOS earrings

DEEin aktuelles kleines Blogger-It-Piece ist dieser wunderschöne gelbe Mantel von Zara, der aktuell in den Läden ist. Und das zu Recht! Denn mal abgesehen davon, dass er mal nicht gefühlt 8 Nummern zu klein ausfällt und verhältnismäßig günstig ist, ist die Farbe ein Traum, der Schnitt sehr schön und er ist eben einfach ein Hingucker. ;) Angefixt haben mich die Mädels von → “The Skinny and The Curvy One”, die noch zwei ganz andere Looks für euch am Start haben. Ihr seht also: obwohl Gelb doch immer etwas “schwierig” wirkt, lässt sich der Mantel wunderbar vielfältig stylen – noch ein Pluspunkt! ;)

ENThis beautiful yellow coat from Zara is a current blogger it-piece and now available in stores. Aside from the fact that it’s one of the very rare pieces which don’t feel like they were made only for size zero and it’s not that pricey, the color is gorgeous, it has a great style and it’s just an eyecatcher. ;) The girls from “The Skinny and The Curvy One” made me buy it and they have another two looks with it for you. So as you can see: even though yellow is kind of “difficult”, this coat can easily be styled in many ways – another plus! ;)

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