“You’re not fat, you’re beautiful!”
I very often read this and it is probably one of the comments that hurt fat people the most, even though its intention is to make someone happy and feel good. And even though at first it doesn’t even sound so bad, if you think about it, it’s not as nice as you might think.
You’re beautiful. Period.
Unfortunately, our society is still not open-minded enough to understand that “fat” doesn’t equal bad or ugly while “skinny” is the synonym for beauty and everything positive.
Being fat implies that at least one thing about you is negative – your body. And because of that you can’t be beautiful in the eyes of our society. Why’s that? This is completely wrong!
You can be skinny and beautiful and you can be fat and beautiful. There is no right and wrong.
But then again, there are those people who like to say: “If you just lost a few pounds, you’d be gorgeous!” – oh really? If you used your brain, you might be able to say something more intelligent!
If people think that I’m beautiful, why would they recommend that I lose weight to be “perfect” in their eyes? Just because I don’t fit in their manipulated idea of beauty, I don’t have to change for them. It’s them who need to change – to open their minds and start accepting diversity, other forms of beauty and that we don’t have to fulfill the beauty standards of our stupid society.
Please stop these insulting compliments! Because it’s not nice to tell someone that his or her beauty depends on their body shape – and your opinion about it.
“Stop calling yourself fat!”
Why should I? I’ve accepted my body and I’ve accepted that I am fat. Because I am fat. I am overweight and I wear an average size 44. There’s nothing wrong about it – as long as I am healthy and feel good, as long as I accept myself like this. And if I don’t, I should change something about it. May it be weight loss or a change of my look, my clothes, my hairstyle – everything is possible to make myself feel better.
It’s not about someone else telling me what I should think about myself or what I should call myself, even though telling me that I’m not fat is supposed to cheer me up. And it’s also not the right compliment to tell me that I’ve lost weight or look skinnier – it just feels like it because in our society, being thin is the ultimate and if you’ve achieved the goal of being skinny, people will be amazed by your “power” and “strength” and “discipline” – because fat people are non of this, they don’t have power, aren’t strong and discipline’s not part of their vocabulary. Oh hell!
Let’s start complimenting people by telling them how great they are, how amazing their characters are – not their bodies. Of course it’s right to compliment someone by telling them that you can see the change when someone’s working hard to feel better, but “you lost weight – you look great!” isn’t the best way to do so. It will continue to brainwash us all to think that being fat is the worst thing you can be.
I am fat.
AND beautiful.
AND happy.
AND sexy.
AND successful.
AND funny.
AND strong.
AND proud.