Now that’s some major flashback to 2009 – this blog post consists of selfies only (I’ll forever remember myself taking the first pictures for my blog, putting my camera on a stack of books, hitting the self-timer and running through my room for some awkward poses)! I took them last weekend when it was super hot and sunny and I just felt like sharing all the fun and good vibrations I was feeling that day. I originally thought of taking these pictures only for Instagram, but then I decided that even though the photos aren’t of super high quality and I’m not wearing any make-up at all, my hair not properly done and without any concept, just on my parents’ terrace, this is real and deserves to be posted. I wanna be real, I’m not a model, I’m a normal person and even after more than 9 years of blogging, I’m still that same person – just fatter, haha! :)
I believe that #BeachBodyNotSorry is also about this – no perfection, just realness and fun. I mean, who wears a full make-up to the beach? I don’t. Most times, I don’t even wear (water proof) mascara, just sunscreen, that’s all. Of course, my blog is about pretty things and taking editorial-like pictures is a lot of fun and I love the results, but I also love these honest pictures. I love that I was having fun, that I was not caring about how I look. And that’s just the message of this project. Don’t care – enjoy yourself. ♥
Photos: Selfies ♥
» Röttenbach
Bikini Top: Agent Provocateur “Lexxi”
Bikini Bottoms: Phylyda “Ariane”
Sunglasses: Chloé “Carlina”
Earrings: Vintage
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