Well, I don’t even know where to start… it’s been a hell of a year. I’ve been through a lot and it wasn’t just good stuff that happened. But I’m still here, I’ve survived and I’m still fighting. As I’ve told you so many times before: I’m not giving up. And 2019 was totally worth it. I’ve achieved so much, even though it wasn’t easy to get there. Of course, the highest price I had to pay was that I had to stop blogging. There’s absolutely no more time for it, I still haven’t found a photographer to work with, especially not for free (which I wouldn’t even want to ask for, but since I don’t make any money with this blog anymore, I’m simply not able to pay for it – and all the money I make now is much needed to pay for my rent, for food and for those little fun times after work, which are really, really rare). I had to change my life, completely. I had to → grow up and I’m glad I got to share some of it with you, at least in the beginning. The struggle was real, still is. But I know what I’m doing it for. It’s for my dream, the dream of living in my favorite city, on my own, in my own home, for myself – I am doing it all for me. And if that’s not the best reason to fight, what is?
I truly miss blogging. I miss the good times of taking pictures on a regular, creating outfits, empowering all of you not only with my looks but also with my words. But fact is, people don’t read anymore, people like to consume perfect pictures on Instagram, preferably without an actual message, no content but a photo that’s nice to look at. You get to live from it when you’ve got the money to support a luxurious lifestyle – cause that’s what people prefer to see on Social Media. I’m not saying that there aren’t people who are looking for realness and/or follow accounts that actually have something to say. But after 10 years in the business, I’ve seen it all grow and eventually stand still or even going back. Blogging was a tough business even though I never really saw it a business, as work. It was always something I’ve loved, something that filled me with joy and happiness. But I believe that my time is over. I believe that blogging is over. We’ve all moved on to Instagram and probably will even move on to another app in some time. Who knows? Of couse, this is not the end of my blog. I just can’t say goodbye to all those good times just because I don’t have enough time anymore to do it like a few years ago. I had already decided to use my blog for what’s important to me to tell – my story. Hoping that the people who need to read it, will do so and feel empowered by a girl who just had to finally start living. It’s possible! And I will continue to share my story. Even if it’s just one post per year, I won’t stop blogging. Promise! These almost 11 years were a privilege and I will cherish them forever.
So, here’s a look back at my hardest but most successful year so far – 2019, the year I finally reached all my goals!