March was full of surprises and new experiences. New people, new places, new feelings (nah, no romance!). I’ve officially checked off something from my → Single Bucket List! I went out for dinner alone! Well, I kind of cheated a little bit on that one because I chose my favorite sushi place which is kind of like visiting my second family, haha! But I made it and went out on my own. And ate alone. I did it and I’m proud of that. It’s probably not super crazy but somehow a big step for me. I took a bus to the city and went there like it’s absolutely normal. I ordered, I ate and afterwards met a friend for cocktails (ha, celebration time!). Done! ;) I also went out on an afternoon alone to a lake nearby. This is something I would’ve never done before – but it was a sunny day, the first one that was actually warm enough to leave your house only with a denim jacket, and I just felt like doing it. So that’s what I did. Just like that.
• Recap | March •
It’s finally spring again and this means: outfits, outfits, outfits! As you can imagine, for the blog, spring is the best time for photos and creating new outfits which you don’t have to make wearable at super cold temperatures. Bare legs, bare feet, bare arms – there’s nothing better! We’ve been super busy shooting loads of new looks for the blog and yes, I’ve been pretty lazy when it comes to other blog posts. So before you have a look at this recap of the month, please think about what you’d like to see more on the blog and let me know. ;)
• Recap | March •
We made it through the first quarter of the year and a lot has happened already. Let’s see what I did in March!