• Heatwave •

• Heatwave •

What. An. Amazing. Summer. It’s unbelievable how hot and sunny this year’s summer is! It’s just perfect, even though I wish it was just a little less hot cause I’m literally melting. Especially cause I had to work this week and it’s definitely too hot in a food truck. But it’s summer and I’m thankful that it’s so wonderful – everything is different, people are happy, we’re all in a very special mood, you can sit outside until you fall asleep on the balcony (happened to me, whoops), you can have ice cream all day long,… I mean, the last time I remember a summer like this, was probably 1995 or so. :) Childhood summers were always the greatest. And somehow, it feels like a childhood summer again. 

Anyways, this heatwave calls for less clothes than usual, so first thing I want to say is: PLEASE don’t care about what other people could think or say – it’s way too hot to hide yourself in too much fabric. Just wear whatever the heck you want, be as naked as you feel like (not completely naked where it’s not allowed, tho, haha!) and always remember to give zero fucks if someone complains about your look. ;) You’ve got better things to do in this summer. Like swimming. Or having another ice cream. Or just trying not to drown in your own sweat. Period.

I still had no chance to wear this dress, but we already shot it so I can show you my perfect summer date night look. And I really hope to find a perfect male match for this outfit, so we can go out and have the greatest date ever! :) 

Photos: Sung-Hee Seewald

» München (Studio)

Dress: Polo Ralph Lauren
High Heels: Arezzo

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• #BeachBodyNotSorry | Zenaya •

• #BeachBodyNotSorry | Zenaya •

Today’s #BeachBodyNotSorry look is a bit different – first of all, because we shot it in the studio, so there’s no beach or pool around. But I think that’s okay, because it’s mainly about the message I want to spread with my annual project. :)

You may remember the project I shot last year with Sung-Hee, called “Female Diversity”, for which I posed naked – I used them for → this very personal blog post. This time, we went for clothing, even though most of the results are in lingerie. We’ve decided to work on underwear shots that are not primarily supposed to be sexy and/or erotic, which is not that easy to shoot when you’re wearing hot stuff, but I think we created some amazing pictures and you will get to see a few of them in some upcoming posts (still has to fit somehow, right?). 

I think, this one is my last #BBNS post for 2018, cause I won’t really be able to shoot that soon – there’s still some chaos because of moving, I really need to find a photographer and I didn’t bring new stuff to shoot. It’s gonna be interesting how everything will develop, blog-wise. And I hope that next year, I’ll be able to show you more beachwear again. 

Today’s photos are a bit different than the others I’ve been using for my project, but I think that’s just what makes them even more special and interesting. Sitting as a fat woman is so often a problem for many, but why is that? Just because we look even fatter when we sit and our bellies keep rollin’, rollin’, rollin’ (I had to… :D)? Everybody has belly rolls when they sit. Everybody looks a bit more like a little Buddha while sitting, especially all crippled on the floor at the beach. What’s the use of deciding not to sit down cause people could see you’re fat? Is it really worth it to try and hide yourself with all forces? Whether you’re standing or sitting, you’re still the same person and when you’re fat, you’re fat. That is that. Nothing bad about this, nothing to be ashamed of. It’s just a fact. And it’s still just an adjective. Even if you can see it and others can see it too. People who actually believe that they have any right to say something, should rather go eff themselves. Maybe we, the fat people, should actually start answering this instead of being ashamed and feeling sorry for our existence, even if that’s not polite at all. But is it polite to tell someone else he or she is disgusting? Or laugh about them? Or point at them with your fingers and whispering something to your friends? Think about it. And then choose to spread some love instead. Did I just contradict my own idea of telling mean people to go eff themselves? YES, I DID. Because: maybe smiling at them and wishing them a lovely day is a better answer to hate. And maybe it makes them think about the shit they just did. Maybe it will change their day, their view on other people. Maybe it won’t change nothing at all. But know that you just proved that you’re not on their low level of no acceptance and no tolerance. And that’s waaaay better. ♥

Photos: Sung-Hee Seewald

» München (Studio)

Swimsuit: Agent Provocateur “Zenaya”

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• Private XIX | Unapologetically me. •

• Private XIX | Unapologetically me. •


Photos: Sung-Hee Seewald

During interviews, the question “Did you always feel good in your body?” is usually one of the first questions. As if it was a masterly performance to be satisfied with yourself or as if I should rather lie and/or be ashamed of it – because I’m fat. And I should feel bad about it. Thanks!

Of course I know that it’s not the easiest thing to look at yourself (especially naked) in the mirror and say “Hey, I’m awesome the way I am!” if everybody and everything is telling you all the time that you’re not – unless you change this and that and most important: you lose weight. Because only as a thin person you’re a valuable part of this society, accepted and tolerated, beautiful and desirable. If you’re fat, the best “compliment” you can expect is that you have a pretty face – usually this is weakened by a passing “If you were thin…” plus a random positive development you could achieve in your life. Be it with men, at your job, anywhere: if you’re skinny, you’re automatically better. And then, when you’re thinner, you notice that it wasn’t that much worth it, because if you’re not fundamentally happy with yourself, the few sizes less won’t change anything. Only the diet industry will be cheering loudly cause they recruited another disciple, a new member of their “sect”, for which counting calories or “points” is as holy and will bring you the same light as twelve “Ave Maria”. Isn’t it sad to think negatively about food and yourself all the time? Is that really worth it?

Now I’ve certainly been a lot thinner 8 years ago when I started this blog. I wasn’t skinny-skinny but a lot skinnier than today. Back then, I wore an average EU size 38, today it’s 44-48. For some who approach me about that from time to time, it seems to be a catastrophe of a horrible dimension, they’re horrified and convinced that it should be some kind of apocalypse for me, they can’t understand at all how something “like this” could happen, and they’re left pretty confused when they see that I’m not as distraught as they are. Cause for me, it’s really not that terrible.

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