Okay, okay, something’s extremely wrong with my timing – it’s almost December and there’s still no October recap online yet! So here we go… As you can imagine, my “new life” is pretty busy and I’m trying to focus on my work, since I have to make some money to be able to continue living here in Hamburg. Right now, it’s a pretty tricky situation and I’m hoping that in the end, everything will turn out alright and fine and that I don’t have to go back to “Plan Z” – going back home to my parents. But hey, that’s nothing for a recap post, it’s gonna be something for a #TTGU post that I want to write in the near future. Until then, let’s have a look at my highlights from October!
I was supposed to start working on October 2, but I caught a cold and was pretty knocked out, so I could only start at the second week of October. No worries, though, I’m still learning a lot, but it’s also a lot of fun and I really have amazing colleagues with whom work doesn’t feel like work. :) And there are so many lovely clients! It’s fun to help them choosing the right outfit and feeling a bit more self-confident and yes, I’m also super proud that especially thanks to my Instagram Stories (I keep uploading my ‘work look of the day’, so feel free to stop by my → Instagram profile), there are also people coming around to see me. :) It’s so great to meet you and get to know you!
I had it already checked off my → #SingleBucketList 2018, but I went for it for a second time: I went to another concert! Yay! This time, I didn’t have to travel far, because it was a concert here in Hamburg – I went to see Beach House, one of my favorite bands, which you may know from my musical recap of 2017. And it was an amazing evening, absolutely stunning. And yes: I went there alone again!
But here’s another point of my bucket list: go to a bar alone! I actually did it! At first, it felt weird and I was a bit nervous, but I felt like doing it and just went for it. Done. It was absolutely fine and even though I felt a little bit uncomfortable in the beginning, I quickly got used to it and already did it a few times more. Super easy, since I’m an extrovert and communicative person! I’m pretty proud that I made it happen. :)
Last big event of October was a vernissage which happened to be a huge meet-up of so many people from the plus-size blogosphere! There were people I haven’t seen in about 4 years and it was like a class reunion. So much love and → so many positive vibes! And a great vernissage!

Liebe Lu,
Wie schön, wieder hier was von Dir zu lesen. Ich folge Dir zwar auch auf instagram, aber ich liebe einfach Deine Blog-Beiträge! Dachte mir schon, dass das real life dafür aktuell wenig Zeit lässt, um so mehr freue ich mich.
LG Kirsten
Ich gebe mir auf jeden Fall Mühe, gerade die inhaltsvollen Sachen hier auf dem Blog zu posten, aber auf Instagram zumindest ab und zu einen Einblick in das, was grad so los ist, zu geben. :) Ich hoffe, dass jetzt mit der neuen Stabilität auch wieder regelmäßiger Posts von mir kommen können – ich hatte jetzt auch ca. 2 Monate lang keinen Computer…