Oh, it’s already been ages since I wrote my “10 facts about me” posts. Shame on me! And now they’re even kind of lost because of the latest blog move so you can’t see them anymore and I can’t double-check if I’ve already told you all these curiosities about me. Well…
For my 28th birthday (yesterday), I decided to give you a full load of random facts about me, the person who keeps telling you a little bit too much about her personal life. ;) And now there’s even more information, haha! That’s my birthday gift to you guys, for sticking around for already 9 years on “Lu zieht an.” with me. :)
I’ve never been really drunk.
Like really drunk, with blackouts and a bad hangover. And I’m kind of proud of that. The thing is: I got diabetes when I was 10 years old and I always treated myself very responsibly, so no over-drinking, cause I was afraid my blood sugar could get crazy. It’s actually not that cool to be a diabetic when you want to drink alcohol.
I have no middle name.
But if I had one, it’d probably be “steak”, “always hungry” or “impatient”.
I love cooking and baking.
But someone else has to wash the dishes, cause that’s another thing I really, really dislike.
Cilantro is my worst enemy.
Only thinking about it already makes me want to puke… Imagine, how bad it is when I have to smell it. Or worse: eat it!
I always save my vouchers for something special.
Until they expire. Unused. Bummer. Same happens with food I like to save for some special occasions (e.g. with delicious stuff my mom brings back from Brazil)…

As a kid, I was the world’s best entertainer.
There are many videos of me being a complete dork – but super adorable! Even today I’m more like the “class clown” and don’t know if I’m not only making a fool of myself of if I’m actually funny – but most of the people around me laugh a lot!
I’d love to visit Hawaii one day.
Because of LOST. But also because I believe that it must be the most beautiful place on earth.
During flights, I usually sit next to the aisle at departure and at the window when flying back home.
That’s cause I believe that I need to hurry when I arrive somewhere cause I mostly fly because of events and have a tight schedule. Flying back home means relaxing and no hurry. Duh.
In 1998, I wrote my own walkthrough for “The Curse of Monkey Island”!
But unfortunately, nobody needs it anymore in times of Internet… and I can’t find it anymore. :( But I felt so cool when I did this!

I’ve got a weird routine before going to bed.
First, I play a few rounds of Battlefield 1 online with my platoon. After that, I watch one episode of the series I’m currently watching. Then, it’s all about making my cat ready for the night with fresh food and water and some extra cuddles. And in the end, I put on some relaxing sounds (preferably rain), meditate and good night!
My favorite color is green.
Just a simple random fact. But I also love purple. And pink. And blue. And all colors. Hello! :D

I’m an overthinker.
This is something bad and even if I try to avoid this, it keeps happening. So I bought myself a postcard that says “Stop thinking, just let things happen” and put it in front of me. Spoiler: doesn’t help. :D
The first thing people say to me is usually “Oh, you’re short!”.
Oh, you don’t say? :D I’m 5″3′ (1,60 m) and yes, that’s short but normally not that noticeable. People say it to me cause we mostly meet after they’ve seen my blog and they’re pretty sure I’m taller cause somehow, I look pretty tall in pictures…

I suck at creating hairdos.
My hair is so super straight that I just can’t manage to do an actual hairdo like curls or braids. Whenever I wanna do something, I need serious help.
I’ve never smoked.
Yup. Never even had a cigarette in my mouth before. The only thing I’ve ever tried was one puff of a shisha cause I thought it’s not that disgusting because they’ve got funny flavors. I coughed like there’s no tomorrow and decided that smoking is definitely NOT my thing.
I need to take a bite of every McDonalds Cheeseburger I see.
And it has to be the first bite. I usually like to do it secretly and wrap it up again so the person will find a funny Cheeseburger when they unwrap it. :D
Music is my life.
I wish I had my own soundtrack and I’d love Hans Zimmer and Michael Giacchino to write it together cause they’re geniuses. Also, music can make me cry – more than movies or so.
I don’t like bell pepper.
I always remember my best friend having it as a snack in school. Eww.
I love doing laundry and filling the washing mashine (and I love using loads of fabric softener).
But I truly hate ironing and other housework.

I hate sunscreen.
But I love its smell. I just hate the sticky feeling on my skin. The problem is: if I don’t use it, I get soooo easily burnt. If I use it, I still get burnt but not as bad as without it. So I use it anyways, even though I hate it.
Christmas Time for me means: listening to Benjamin Blümchen’s “Der Weihnachts-Traum”.
That’s one of only two cassettes I had from that nice elephant (the other one’s “Benjamin Blümchen als Bäcker”) and I still love listening to it on one day before Christmas.
By the way: the most amazing Christmas song is → this one.

I love oysters.
They make me happy and are delicious. And I always believed that one day I’d find a pearl – well, stupid me.
I hate using public transit.
I prefer driving myself. Or having a nice driver. :) I’d also rather walk than taking a bus. But while I wasn’t able to do it the last years, I’m finally back to doing it when necessary.
I love foot massages.
Maybe because of the previous fact, those bad, bad high heels. But also just because. There’s nothing better than a nice foot massage after a long day, even if I have to do it myself.
And massages in general.
I just love them. Especially since I found someone who does them best – unfortunately, she’s in Hamburg and I’m not.
I’ve never been on a real vacation.
Brazil doesn’t count because even though it is paradise, it’s a lot of stress for me because I’m always scared there. It’s just too dangerous. And hey, family’s not a vacation. ;)
I’m a “right arm, right foot” person.
Whenever I slip into a shirt, jacket, pants or my shoes, it has to be the right side first – otherwise, I stumble or get totally confused.
When I was little, I wanted to be an astronaut.
I’ve always loved the stars and the universe and wanted to be near them. So I decided that one day, I’m gonna be an astronaut. Too bad I’m too short for their spacesuits (and probably too fat, too) and physics was definitely my worst subject as school. Sorry, NASA!

I’ve got a favorite cocktail.
And its name is “Aviation” – it’s lilac and tastes very floral. ♥ But I also love almost everything with Gin, so if you wanna make me happy with a drink, you should choose one that’s with Gin, preferably “Gin Sul” or “Skin Gin”, these are my favorites.
When I see some clothes I love but don’t want to buy, I have to try them on.
Otherwise, I keep thinking about it and get crazy. I need to try them on so I can see that they either don’t fit or don’t look good on me. That’s bad though, when they look good…
I don’t like shopping.
Kinda weird to say this as a blogger who mainly writes about her outfits, but I don’t like shops. I prefer shopping online and even that’s not something I really like. Well… I like browsing, tho… ;)
I’m extremely talkative.
I’m horribly scared of drugs.
My parents did a great job on this one – I’m so scared of this shit I’ll never even try one little bit of any drug. Yes, I’m probaby boring for some of you, but hell – I believe in not ruining my life with that shit. ;)
I hate business phone calls.
Most of the time I also hate normal phone calls (sorry, friends!). I prefer e-mails, text messages or even meetings.
I absolutely adore movie and series scores.
The complete LOST soundtrack is my all-time favorite and I always cry when I listen to → “Moving on”, the final track from the series. ♥
I miss my childhood pretty often.
Coming back home for lunch after school for mom’s delicious food (my favorite days were when I got some mashed potatos, eggs sunnie side up and creamy spinach!) ♥, all the amazing series to watch instead of doing that stupid homework (Sailor Moon! Doug! Disney’s Big Pause! Kickers! Darkwing Duck! Chip & Chap! Ducktales!), easy school stuff, more series (King of Queens!), dinner, a nice movie, and off to sleep we go…
I’d love to make many things unseen or even unhappened.
Especially playing “Monkey Island” – I’d love to delete my brain so I could play it again and have to solve all the riddles. But also for watching LOST and other wonderful series and movies again.
I actually don’t like high heels.
Cause they’re so uncomfortable but since I’m so short and they make most of my outfits look even better (in my opinion), I don’t want to miss them… ;)
As a kid, I never feared thunderstorms.
But one day it changed completely and now I’m always panicking whenever I hear the thunder coming – especially after I once heard the sound of a lightning stroke in our house’s lightning conductor and last summer, a house in my neighborhood got struck by lightning.
But there’s still nothing better than going to sleep during a thunderstorm (given that the storm is a bit more far away).
Sometimes, I even use an app with rain sounds so I can sleep better.

I don’t really like coffee.
But I like Starbucks or other coffee houses – my favorites drinks are: (Iced) White Moccha, Iced Chai Latte or Iced Peppermint Moccha (tastes like liquid “After Eight”!!). Somehow I prefer cold drinks… And when it’s actually cold outside, you can win me over with some hot chocolate or tea. ♥
I once treated myself to a lap dance.
Haha, the memories of funny nights with friends – we went to a strip club and I was like “THAT’S LIKE GTA!!!” and felt like I need to try a lap dance – so I did it and now I’m friends on Facebook with the girl who danced for me. :D
I have food phases.
Whenever I love something real bad, I like to eat it every day until I get sick of it. And then I find another phase. And sometimes, there’s a comeback. :)
I’ve never been to an amusement park.
This is a sad fact. I don’t know how or why this happened but I kind of feel that it REALLY is about time to change this.
I’m writing a book.
I started writing it in 2007 and I really need to finish it. It’s gonna be a novel. :)
I love communicating through GIFs.
Like, seriously, there are so many amazing GIFs! I can’t even choose what’s my favorite.

Whenever I order food, it’s always too much.
And I can’t finish it. But that’s fine, cause I take it home with me. And then, there’s two options: I either see a homeless person on the street and give it to him/her or I’ve got another snack for later. :)
I’m pretty good at Laser Tag.
Since I first tried the game a few years ago on my birthday, it’s become a tradition to do it every year and I’m improving every time. :) Got no plans for this year, tho, so I’m looking for a team…
I like nerds.
Probably cause I’m a nerd myself. And because it’s absolutely adorable when someone really loves something and knows everything about it and shares it with you in that nerdy way. :)
I first write my blog posts in English.
I don’t know why, but I feel like I can express myself better in English than in German and it’s easier for me to translate it afterwards…
[…] else? I’ve been writing a lot on my book – I told you in → this blog post that I’m writing a book since 2007. I’ve decided that it’s finally about time to […]
Koriander ist wirklich widerlich. ;-) Und Hawaii gar nicht sooo toll.
Danke für so viel persönliches.
Das glaube ich erst, wenn ich es gesehen habe! ;)
Dankeschön! ♥
Ach das hat richtig spass gebracht, es zu.lesen :) Ich will es gar nicht zerreden :)
Irgendwann trinken wir einen Cocktail ::)
Happy birthday!
Unbedingt, lass’ uns einfach mal auf’s Leben anstoßen – ich bin dabei! :) Danke dir! ♥
Was für ein WUNDERSCHÖNES Foto von Dir ! Das ist wirklich unglaublich toll, damit könnt ihr Preise gewinnen. Wirklich, mega, mega, mega
Dankeschön! ♥ Da sind so viele schöne bei der Serie dabei, dass ich am liebsten alle gepostet hätte, aber irgendwann wird’s ja leider langweilig. :D
sehr sympathisch. vermittelt einem ein etwas anderes bild, als das, das man sonst so von fotos etc. hat. ;)
Dankeschön! ♥ Ich hoffe, dass das sonstige Bild nicht allzu mies ist, haha! Ich weiß natürlich, dass ich blogtechnisch immer arg professionell rüberkomme, aber ich bin tatsächlich ein riesiger Quatschkopf! :)
Liebe Lu,
erst mal nachträglich alles Gute zum Geburtstag!
Was für ein schöner Post mit so vielen interessanten Fakten über Dich und so schön arrangiert mit den Fotos.
I’m loving it.
Daaaankeschön, meine Liebe!! ♥ Ich freu’ mich riesig, dass der Post so gut ankommt! :)
Ich kann mich erinnern, dass du damals bereits geschrieben hast, dass du noch nie betrunken warst – hab’ ich nämlich sehr sympathisch gefunden, weil ich’s auch noch nie war. :) (Ich hab’ eine Histaminintoleranz und vertrage nichts, keine gute Kombi fürs Trinken! :D) Dasselbe gilt für die Zigaretten und die Drogen, wenn ich nur merke, dass irgendjemand neben mir nicht ganz bei Sinnen ist, flippe ich innerlich aus. Ich kann damit gar nicht umgehen! :X
Ich versteh’ dich auch, dass du dich inzwischen besser auf Englisch ausdrücken kannst, wenn du viel in einer Fremdsprache liest/schreibst/hörst, fängst du an, dich an die Ausdrucksweise zu gewöhnen, hast aber im Gegenzug manchmal das Gefühl, dass deine eigene Sprache nicht ausreicht. (Deshalb steht bei mir auf Instagram “The limits of my language mean the limits of my world.”) So geht’s mir z.B. mit der englischen Phrase “to defeat the purpose”, irgendwie find’ ich dafür im Deutschen kein passendes Pendant, deshalb sag’ ich dann ab und an “das defeatet total den purpose”. (Meine Germanistenprofs würden mich dafür töten!) Außerdem fehlen mir einige spanische locuciones im Deutschen, z.B. acabar + gerundio, um eine Handlung auszudrücken, die man zuletzt tut (#freakdelagramática). :D
Und Koriander! OH MEIN GOTT! Im Stammlokal meines Freundes und meiner Schwiegereltern hauen sie den überall drüber! Mich graust’s da so sehr, unglaublich. :X (Als würd’ ich zum DM marschieren und einfach mal so in eine Seife reinbeißen!)
Last, but definitely not least: Feliz cumpleaños, Lu, espero que hayas pasado un día genial con tus personas favoritas. :* Bleib’ auch im 29. Lebensjahr so toll, wie du bist! :)
Haha, ja, ich hab’ keine Ahnung mehr, was ich euch alles schon erzählt habe – bestimmt war da schon ein bisschen was dabei. Und es gibt natürlich so viel mehr, aber wenn man da extra drüber nachdenkt, kommt man irgendwann auf nix mehr oder findet es eher zu banal und unerwähnenswert. :)
Histaminintoleranz ist natürlich wirklich suboptimal und nichts vertragen kenne ich! Obwohl ich zu meiner klitzekleinen Schande gestehen muss, dass ich an meinem Geburtstag ganze fünf Cocktails hatte, aber: ich hab’ dazu wahnsinnig viel Wasser getrunken und bin in einer Alkoholfamilie geblieben (Gin, wer hätte es gedacht?), so dass ich damit überhaupt keine Probleme hatte und extrem überrascht war, dass ich immer nur kurze extrem lustige Spitzen hatte, die sich aber schnell wieder gelegt hatten. Also nach wie vor: nie total betrunken gewesen. ;)
Ach, das hast du schön erklärt! Sprache ist tatsächlich was ganz Feines und manchmal klappt es halt in einer bestimmten Sprache nicht so ganz wie man es gerne hätte. :) Und Koriander: SEIFE AUS METALL!! EKELHAFT! :D
Ich danke dir von Herzen! ♥
Wir haben einiges gemeinsam! Ich war auch noch nie betrunken (ich trinke überhaupt nie), ich habe auch noch nie geraucht, hab auch noch nie Drogen probiert (und hab ebenfalls Angst davor), ich hasse telefonieren, liebe Musik über alles, mag auch keinen Koriander, keinen Kaffee und keine Sonnencremes, dafür aber Adventure-Spiele (ich gehöre aber zu den Leuten, die die Lösungen von anderen brauchen, weil sie so oft hängenbleiben, also sage ich an der Stelle mal Danke an alle jene, die Komplettlösungen schreiben!), wollte auch Astronautin werden, hab auch solche Essensphasen und schreibe ebenfalls lieber auf Englisch. Du bist absolut nicht allein oder sonderbar! :)
Ach, das ist ja schön! :) Ich bin nicht ganz allein mit den Dingen, von denen ich dachte, dass sie etwas komisch sind, haha! ♥