December – what an exciting last month of 2018! And luckily, the month that saved my whole year, since I finally found a place to actually stay and settle down without an expiration date. When I moved back to Hamburg in July, I stayed with a friend but our agreement was that I can stay until December – funnily, she kind of threw me out one month earlier and I had to move in with a guy I was dating for only almost a month, in order not to be homeless (which is bad enough alone, but don’t forget my poor baby – how are you supposed to live on the street with a cat?). Not so fun fact (and I was actually saving this for my next #TTGU post, but it has to be told so you can understand the whole situation): I didn’t want to be with him anymore. I felt so bad about doing that selfish move, living with someone just for the sake of having a home. I felt like a proper asshole. But the relationship was really bad, it didn’t work between us and actually made me sick. Like really sick. Mentally and physically. I had to leave as soon as possible! But it wasn’t that easy – since I only had this mini job at the store, I didn’t have enough income in order to rent an apartment. Plus, my cat was always a problem for other people. But I finally found something at the beginning of December and – thank God! – it happened, and I found the nicest little room in an apartment I’m now sharing with two more people – but perfectly located in one of the nicest districts of Hamburg. And my cat is with me. Seriously: that was my Christmas miracle. I moved in on December 21st and couldn’t be happier. Even though I wasn’t able to visit my parents over Christmas and New Year’s Eve because nobody could take care of Spucki and I didn’t want him to go through hell on that 600km trip through Germany, just for a few days. So I spent Christmas and NYE alone, since both of my flatmates were up and away with their loved ones, and even if it was kind of weird (my first Christmas alone and without internet, which was the worst part of it – no Netflix!), it was absolutely okay.
So this was my happy story of December. There was also work and I met some friends, but also spent some evenings alone, out or at home, and I am genuinely happy. I thought the end of 2018 was gonna be really rough, but it ended perfectly and New Year’s Eve was such a relief, I actually cried for an hour straight, because I was so happy it was finally over. And now there’s 2019 to conquer. Let’s go!

Oh beim Lesen war mir ganz schwer ums Herz bezüglich Weihnachten und Silvester. Aber klar, die Katze geht vor!
Das mit der Wohnung ist ja super super super!!!
Das, was davor war, war scheisse, aber ich schreibe dazu im anderen Post mehr.
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Durchhalten und zur neuen Bleibe!! :-)
Zeigst du uns mal dein kleines süßes Zimmer?
Ich weiß, sehr neugierig, aber sowas interessiert mich immer sehr. ;-)
Das klingt nach einem spannendem Dezember. Ich hasse es auch egoistisch zu denken, klar manchmal muss man das machen so wie in deinem Fall. Ich kann gar nicht verstehen, warum so viele Menschen keine Katze bei sich haben möchte. Ich liebe Katzen.
Liebe Grüße
Luisa von