#outfitpreview • Beach looks have become a little obsession – I really hope you’re not getting bored, as there’s still more to come. We’ve been exploring Hamburg a lot these days, looking for places that make you think “Who needs a vacation if there are such beautiful places in Hamburg?” – and we found some. :) So there are some beachy looks coming up, but of course I won’t let you down, there are some “normal” outfits too! ;)
#curvyfair • Long story short: it was waaaay too hot in Berlin, but I enjoyed my day at the Curvy fair. The day started with a little meeting with Givenchy and Kenzo on the Dom Perignon house boat somewhere in Berlin, where I got to see the brands’ novelties, and went on with the fair in the middle of the city at the Orangerie of Schloss Charlottenburg. A great location but unfortunately not well air-conditioned. Still, I got to find a few favorites, including this coat of Zizzi’s Black Label collection, the new Anna Scholz collection for sheego (can’t wait to shoot my lookbook for you!), and of course: many lovely blogger colleagues and friends – it’s always good to see the girls! Especially while having dinner to celebrate their blogger collection for Studio Untold! ;)
#shooting • On Friday, I had a great shooting with my talented friend → Tine – subtle sexiness plus lots of Agent Provocateur (contradiction, huh?). All-natural make-up (almost nothing, except for a little bit of “Crema Nuda”, some dabs of concealer, mascara and glossy lip balm) and analog photography – can’t wait to see the results and crossing my fingers that everything worked well! ;)
#goodtimes • I’m very happy about some recent features of my blog on → Glamour and → Wunderweib – it’s always so great to see yourself in all those magazines you always read before blogging and then you’re in there as if it were no big deal. Love it!
Also, last Friday, the winner of my make-up session with Urban Decay was here to redeem her prize and she got a great make-up look. Bright pink lips and red hair? Awesome!
Another lovely surprise and something that makes me speechless every time: there’s another amazing piece of fan art (kind of feel weird to call it “fan” art but well, that’s what it is, right?)! This time by → farbenzirkus on Instagram. Isn’t this incredibly good?
#sundaymood • Two sleepy kitties taking a nap. Oh, the furry life! ♥
Hey Lu,
schreibst du noch was zu Agent Provocateur? Wie sind die denn bei Plus Size unterwegs?
Grüße Sarah
Ich würde beim entsprechenden Post ein paar Worte dazu verlieren, aber ich kann dir schon jetzt sagen, dass Plus Size da nicht drin ist. Ich glaube, die größte BH-Größe ist 80E (schau’ zur Sicherheit am besten online!), die Höschen gibt’s maximal (aber leider nicht immer) bis Größe 5, was ca. eine 40 ist.
Manche Modelle fallen etwas großzügiger aus, im Großen und Ganzen aber eher etwas kleiner.
schade – sieht ziemlich großartig aus das Bild