Photos: Falko BlümleinDress: Mara Hoffman
After my last → “all black” look, I’ve got something very colorful for you today! This is an outfit which definitely gets the hashtag #visiblebellyoutline and I’m proud to share it just like this. Because nobody should feel ashamed of his or her body. I mean: what’s so wrong about seeing a person’s belly? It’s probaby a strange comparison but I keep asking myself why people go crazy about big preggo bellies but are totally disgusted and get offensive when it’s just fat. Why should I feel less valuable just because you can see that I’m fat? Why should I hide it for others if I’m okay with it, if I like my body and want to show it? So today’s look is yet another (as you’ve already seen me pretty often wearing such tight dresses) scream for freedom. The freedom to wear whatever I want and show whatever I want. The freedom to be able to go outside showing my belly, my bum, my thighs and yes, accept that people are going to stare (because they always do), but don’t let them make me feel ugly.
Fashion should be our very own freedom to invent ourselves new every time we choose our outfits – if we want to. Fashion should always be a fun thing, not a serious struggle to hide ourselves and make ourselves invisible so nobody can insult us and actually hurt us with words and laughter. Fashion is such a great thing because it gives us the power to feel better on a moody day (try some colors instead of black and gray!), it gives us the power to feel confident and professional, the power to feel sexy and desirable, the power to feel like nobody can stop us. And yet fashion is something that can put us down so easily because of what others may say about what we’re wearing, how we look. Yes – fashion is not here to impress and please everyone. Fashion means something else for everyone and we all have a different, even though sometimes very similar, taste. I’m being a bit deep today, but I want to say that fashion can be magical in the right moment, yet we choose to define people based on their looks, which is fine (because it’s something we want others to do when we choose a happy, powerful or sexy outfit, for example) – until this becomes something we use against each other. It’s cool to see someone and get the feeling to know how this person feels today, how this person’s character may be – but we should never forget to look behind it all, to give everyone a second look even if the first look didn’t please us. Fashion is just a disguise we can use for our emotions (yes, I do wear different clothes when I’m sad or happy), but we should never forget that behind all those clothes there’s an actual person who’s got real feelings and a story to tell, so let’s always keep listening. ♥