• Recap | November •

• Recap | November •

Final countdown of the year – November’s over and we’re heading straight towards Christmas and New Year’s Eve! Yay! :) But first, let’s recap what happened in November…

• Outfits •

• Your Top 5 (most-clicked) Posts •

Black & Gold • | • Street Style (feat. Extra Inches)

Photo by Carsten Belmondo

Plus Size Fashion Days Hamburg 2016

Rain • | • Something Different

• My November •

After all the happiness at the end of October, November started with bad news – my grandpa passed away at the age of 97 and I couldn’t even say goodbye to him. I’m so glad that I’m going home for some time now to see my parents and be with them. Of course, he had a long life and it’s incredible how many stories a man can tell when he lived for so many years, but at the same time I’m very sad that all these stories are gone now. At least I have all those amazing memories. He was a great man – and now he’s finally with his big love again, my grandma. ♥

I was invited to the “ABC Lounge” by Marina Rinaldi Hamburg. It’s an annual charity event here in Hamburg in the so-called “ABC-Viertel” where all the stores come together for a lovely night – restaurants, jewelry and fashion stores,… And each of them presents its products, inter alia at a fashion show. Thanks again for the invitation, → it was a pleasure to be there!

We had our friends from home visiting us and spent some quality time together at breakfast and dinner – two places I can always recommend: → Café Hüftgold in Winterhude (try the scones!) and the Chinese restaurant “Ni Hao” in Wandsbek.

I also had an amazing meeting this week for an upcoming project that I can’t wait to start. Can’t tell you more at the moment but very soon – it’s going to be awesome!!

We also shot many, many outfits this month and still have loads to do until the end of the year – and far beyond. ;) But I’ve already got some amazing looks planned for December and I hope you’re going to love them as much as I do! Stay tuned for some holiday looks but also super cool new and different stuff!

What’s next?
In December, we’ll be visiting our families and I also have some appointments at a few doctors. There’s yet another one at my dentist (please let it be over once and for all!) and a very cool one at my diabetologist – I’m getting the Dexcom! This is probably more interesting news for fellow diabetics but let me explain: there’s nothing better for managing your diabetes than having a real-time CGMS. I was already super happy with the  → FreeStyle Libre, but this is THE thing! I’m more than happy to kind of re-start my therapy with it!

Written by Luciana
Hello everyone, my name is Luciana, I'm 27, and the creative mind of "Lu zieht an." I was born in Germany but I'm half Brazilian, that's why you can read this blog in German and English - but feel free to write and ask me anything in Portuguese. I love and live fashion, am obsessed with sunglasses and bright lipsticks and the world's biggest sushi and steak lover. Follow me for daily updates on Instagram (@luziehtan). ♥
  • Mein Beileid, liebe Lu. Nahestehende zu verlieren ist nie ein Geschenk, auch wenn sie 120 wurden. Ich wünsche dir, dass du seine wunderbaren Geschichten für immer in deinem Gedächtnis behalten wirst!

    Außerdem freue ich mich jetzt schon auf die glamorösen Weihnschtslooks!

    • Mein Beileid zum Verlust deines Opas. Meiner ist 2015 gestorben…genau am 3. Geburtstag meines Sohnes. Was bleibt sind erinnerungen und jedesmal wenn ich frank sinatra höre muss ich direkt an ihn denken….My Way war sein absolutes Lieblingslied und sein Lebensmotto.

      Und ich bin schon mega gespannt auf das neue Projekt….ich bin dooch so schlecht im warten..*hibbel, hibbel*

        • Ich danke dir! Auch von mir mein Beileid für deinen Verlust. Familie zu verlieren ist einfach so traurig. Aber die Erinnerungen sind ein großer Trost, finde ich. Und mir zaubern sie dann doch immer wieder ein Lächeln ins Gesicht! :)

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