• One Night in… London | Home House •

• One Night in… London | Home House •

Home House
20 Portman Square
via contact form
Mail: reservations@homehouse.co.uk
Phone: +44 (0) 20 7670 2000

Actually, today’s “One Night in…” is a ‘two nights’ post, since I had the pleasure to stay for two nights at → Home House in London. And I’m very thankful for that – because this is a magical place!

Home House is a private member’s club, actually consists of three houses (n° 19 to 21) and is not only a club with many amazing lounges and bars, two restaurants and much more, but also has a few incredible rooms, including three suites that were all booked for our shooting with → Scarlett & Jo last weekend. Since the suites were already booked as “studios” for Saturday, it would have been pretty stupid not to let someone sleep in them, right? That’s why S&J let us, → Ana and me, spend two nights in them. My little kingdom for these days was the → “George Hanbury” suite and I couldn’t have been more pleased with it – it’s the perfect mixture of 18th century chic and modern luxury (TV in the bathroom – I had a great time taking a hot bath on Saturday before going to bed!), all covered in a dark mint, turquoise and golden color concept with lovely details (like the wallpaper and the lamps).

I can’t even say how royal (Queen who?) I felt in my 55m² paradise, how great I slept in the world’s comfiest king-size bed (I even had an extra nap on Sunday after an intense Saturday!) and how happy I was with the delightful room service, which spoiled me with some late dinner on Saturday and a delicious breakfast on Sunday.
I really didn’t want to leave (even with the late checkout at 2pm, having to go was hard!) and enjoyed every minute of my stay. Thanks a lot to the lovely team of Scarlett & Jo, especially Gifi and → Hanna, who made me feel at home and like a part of their family and made these three days just amazing and unforgettable and the perfect start of our collaboration – I’m very happy to be your ambassador!

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Outfit ♥ 05.10.14


Photos: Falko Blümlein
Shirt: Made by my mom ♥
French Connection
Peep-Toes: Chanel
Bag: Dior “Lady Dior”
Sunglasses: Dior “Promesse2”
Earrings: Dior “Mise en Dior” Tribal Pearl Earrings
Bracelet: Sal y Limon
Ring: YSL Arty Ring
Alternatives: The Laden Showroom skirt

DEDas letzte Outfit war schon ziemlich flashy, heute gibt’s dafür wieder was Elegantes. :) Die wunderbare Bluse hat meine Mama für mich genäht. Sie hatte einen Jumpsuit mit dem gleichen Schnitt, der uns beiden aber leider (mittlerweile) viel zu klein war – da ich mich aber so sehr in den Blusenschnitt verliebt hatte, hat sie sich die Mühe gemacht und mir das gute Stück zusammengeschneidert. :) Ganz große Liebe also!

Klassische Bluse – klassischer Look: dafür habe ich sie mit meinem “Salt & Pepper”-Rock von French Connection (den ich im Londoner Flughafen gekauft hatte – ich hab’ ihn euch verlinkt, er ist gerade gut reduziert und sogar noch in den beiden großen Größen da!) kombiniert und auf Lieblingsaccessoires gesetzt – meine “Lady Dior” und die wohl weltschönsten Sandalen von Chanel, die ich an meiner Hochzeit getragen habe (apropos – ich sitze grad am Blogpost dazu, ihr bekommt also ganz bald endlich ein paar Bilder zu sehen!)…

ENMy last outfit was pretty flashy, so today I’ve got something very classy and elegant for you. :)
This gorgeous blouse was handmade by my mom. She had a jumpsuit with the same cut (unfortunately, the size doesn’t fit either one of us anymore) and as I totally fell in love with the cut of the blouse, she made one for me. :) That’s love!

Classic blouse – classic look: I wore it with my “salt and pepper” skirt from French Connection (which I got at London Heathrow – but it’s on sale online now!) and chose my favorite accessories – my “Lady Dior” and the most beautiful sandals ever from Chanel which I wore for my wedding (by the way – I’m currently working on my blog post about it, so you’re going to see some pictures soon!)…

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